Saturday, January 10, 2009

I know. It's been a week and you've heard nothing from me. Life has not been busy all that much so I can't use that as an excuse, but it has been cold. Does that count?

It's Saturday and the house is quiet this morning. Preston is the only one awake so far and he's playing Spyro in the Ps2. We got a little snow last night, about 3 inches, but it's snowing pretty good out there right now and they're calling for 8 to 10 inches by this evening. That's not a lot compared to some places but it's enough for me. I thank God that it's Saturday and I have nowhere to be. I will have to call the boss tomorrow morning and make sure that a path is plowed for me to get into and out of the shop tomorrow afternoon since that's when I'm leaving for my run to Michigan and Chicago. They are telling me that I may be going to Chicago every week soon since we've got a customer that took over a bunch of the clients of Republic Window and Door Factory that recently closed their doors up there. Bad for them, good for us. You might have read about that outfit that closed it's doors and the workers staged a "sit-in". It sucks when companies treat their employees like that.

The snow was falling last night and my daughter mentioned how bad it must be to be a dog.

"Why's that?" I asked.

"Cause when they've got to pee and poop outside in the snow, they've got to squat they're butts down in the snow to do it. I think I'd hold it."

My children are so deep.

Upwards basketball is getting ready to start their games next week at the church and I'll be spending today getting my music together for that. I do all the announcing for the games and play music in between quarters and games and such. They run all day on Saturday for about 8 weeks. It keeps me busy and I have a blast with it.

So between that and looking for a job in Texas, I'll be pretty much busy all day.

By the way, I got my daughters laptop working but alas, she did not clean her room. One can only expect so much.


kimmyk said...

when you figure a way to get your kid to clean her room share that bit of wisdom as my 15 year old's room looks like a train wreck.

we got like a 1/2 in. yesterday and now it is currently raining cats and dogs and sleeting. i imagine later tonight it will be a hot mess out there.

enjoy your day of quietness and no where to be.

Mom said...

We've had no snow yet in Bowie which is ok by me.
I never did figure out to make a kid clean a room either. They all left home and now I don't worry about it anymore.

AM Kingsfield said...

When it is snowing, and you are home with a mug of coffee blogging, life feels cozy. Glad you didn't have to drive in it - are anything else in it too.

Unknown said...

Hope the roads were clear when you had to be out.
A job in Texas? Did I miss something important?