Monday, June 1, 2009

I cannot imagine, nor do I want to.

We live in a small town. Around us are mostly small towns. Word travels fast when something terrible happens. I did not want to write this at first but you all have become friends. We share hurt with friends, right?

Late Saturday night a young lady went racing down the road with 5 little kids in the car with her, none of which were hers. Not a single seat belt was in use. She did not make it to her destination, whatever that was. Nor did any of the children. Four people are gone now, three of them being little children, and two are in critical condition. There are lots of rumors flying and lots and lots of people in more heart pain than they ever imagined possible. A few of these people I know personally.

My niece was working as the receptionist/intake person at the ER when the ambulances came in with these little ones. She had wanted to be a nurse. She's not so sure now. She cried for an hour after her shift was over.

I learned today that the little 8 year old who passed was a classmate of my son Preston. I asked Sheila how he was handling it. She said he was mostly angry. I'm sure he's wondering why.

I'm sure a lot of people are wondering why. I would be too.

If you pray, pray for these people. If you send good thoughts, send good thoughts for these people. Whatever you do, do it for these people who are asking why.

I just ask for peace.


Mom said...

How horrible. There are no good answers for the questions. I am praying for God to be in the muddle of this hurt and bring peace.

dgfiskemt said...

WHY? Such a small word/short question, yet it can alter lives. I'm headed into the EMS field. We just had the better part of a chapter basically on how to deal with the "why's" of what we see and deal with.

Good luck to you and your neighbors and friends in dealing with this incident.

AM Kingsfield said...

So sad! Too many scary possibilities.