Thursday, August 9, 2007

The day after yesterday

It's Thursday afternoon and I'm officially on vacation. I just wish it were the kind where I could get away but alas, that is not to be. Sheila should be coming home from the hospital either tomorrow night or Saturday afternoon depending on how she is doing. I'll be around all next week to help her around the house and then it's back to work running local stuff. Actually, I looked at my schedule today before I left and my boss has me in the factory for the week after I get back from vacation. I hope she heals quickly. I can't stand that factory all day for a week. I don't know how those guys do it.

I need to be behind the wheel.

A friend of my sons who went to church with him for a long time has just decided that he's an atheist. Not sure what to say about that. Personally, I hope at some point he changes his mind. We all have different opinions sure, but this guy just spun 180 degrees in a heartbeat. We'll see how things go.

The kids have been a lot of help the last couple days around the house. I hope they keep it up.

The steps on the porch are almost done. May be finished today. My carpenter is a woman that I go to church with. She doesn't appear at first glance that she would be interested in that sort of thing when you see her at church, but man, does she do good work. Much better than I could.

But then I can pee standing up, so there.

That sure sounded insecure.

Oh well. Life goes on.

Hope ya'll are having fun. I've got laundry to do. Let's see, red goes with white and...what else was it?

1 comment:

AM Kingsfield said...

I wish you were by a beach, but it is good that you can be home for a week. Best wishes to Sheila for a speedy recovery.

Faith is based on doubt, otherwise it wouldn't be faith. So maybe this boy just got a close up look at the doubt side of the coin. Sooner or later, something will challenge him to a game of heads and tails. Atheism isn't comforting.