Sunday, May 27, 2007

Baby Dedication

I sat in worship this morning as three families brought new babies forward to dedicate them to the Lord. Pastor held them and presented these infants before us to the Lord and he asked that the parents commit to raising these children in the way the Lord has planned for them. He then asked us as a congregation to commit to helping and teaching these children the ways of the Lord and to protect them by walking with the Lord in our own lives. We were asked to walk holy in order not to cause these young ones to stray and to give them an example that they can follow as they seek God in their lives.

I have never really paid that much attention to the impact my own life has on those around me outside of my own family. Sitting there this morning and committing to God and these parents that I would walk with the Lord in order not to cause their children to stray brought home some things to me. Can my own actions come between a child and God? Can I cause another to struggle in their walk with the Lord by my own behavior? I don't like to think of that responsibility but I believe it to be true. I, as an adult, influence the lives of the people around me whether I like it or not, and whether that be for good or for evil. An awesome responsibility and one that I am not real thrilled to carry. But I carry it whether I like it or not. By the grace of God I will do my best.

1 comment:

AM Kingsfield said...

wow, deep one.

I think the best thing to do is be true to yourself. You can't be anyone else. I hate walking on eggshells. Everyone messes up too.

Maybe we could just serve as a warning. Couldn't that be helpful too?